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Blessing of the Mounts

May 1st, 2022

Holcomb Farm, Granby CT

in the ring at 10:45am

Sat.May 1st, 2022 is a new year and a new riding season. Join Pastor Kevin Mongeau and members of the Granby Horse Council at the Holcomb Farm ring at 10:45 am for the Blessing that initiates the beginning of a safe and enjoyable season with our four legged friends. This year, we are pleased to again have Pastor Kevin Mongeau officiating. There will be a Stirrup Cup for the Blessing of Safety and Travel for both horses and riders (a long-standing tradition of Fox Hunting). After the brief service, our trail boss will lead the members on a one hour trail ride to start our season. Be prepared for hills and mud. The pace will be walk/trot with no opportunities to canter.  Bring water for your horses. Riders may join or renew their membership before the ride. 

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