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Granby Horse Council
Trail Rides, Parades, Desensitization Sessions and more.........
Spring Secret Ride
Sat., May 28, 2022
Contact Billie McNealey
Let’s start a new tradition. The Spring Secret Ride is a destination unknown, but not necessarily unfamiliar. The trail could be one that we’ve ridden a hundred times or only once. We will meet at the Rt. 20 Salmon Brook Park overflow parking lot at 10:00 am for a 10:15 departure. Plan for a relaxed and enjoyable ride, with the only, truly unknown part being what’s new and different since the last time our horses’ feet crossed the ground. Please make sure that you RSVP to Billie at (860) 874-7589, so we know who to wait for.
(Billie McNealey)
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